Safety Tips – Driving On Icy Roads

In many areas of the US right now, icy road conditions prevail. If you do not have to be driving on the road, the best safety tip when dealing with icy conditions is to not drive until the roads have been properly treated for ice. If, however, you must travel on icy roads here are a few basic safety tips to keep in mind:

Make sure all passengers are wearing seat belts.
Keep plenty of distance between cars. You never know when you will hit an icy spot.
If you do skid, turn the wheels into the direction of the skid.
At any intersection stay alert even if you have the green light and keep a lookout for any vehicle that maybe skidding into the intersection.

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Law Firm Retained By Woman Injured By Yasmin

Sabatini and Associates proudly announces that its have been retained by a young Connecticut woman who has suffered injuries including a pulmonary embolism as a result of her use of Yasmin.

Yaz and Yasmin are oral contraceptives taken for pregnancy prevention. Many women who have taken Yaz and Yasmin have suffered severe and life-threatening side effects. Tragically, some women have even died from taking Yaz and Yasmin.

Side effects of Yasmin and Yaz include:

Heart attack
Blood clots
Pulmonary embolism
Gallbladder damage
Deep vein thrombosis

If you have suffered any of the serious injuries listed above as a result of Yaz or Yasmin, contact Attorney James Sabatini for a free case evaluation.

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Safety Issues With Commuter Airlines?

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article addressing safety questions with commuter airlines in this country.  Commuter airlines carried 25% of all domestic passengers in 2008 and made 5 million flights.  Yet, recently hired pilots of these aircraft have as little as 250 to 500 hours of flying time before taking the job.  This is compared to the 5,000 to 7,000 hours of flying time that the major airlines seek when hiring new pilots.  There are also issues with the training being received at flight schools.  For example, students often train on slow propeller planes but once hired, start flying high performance turbo props or jets.  Unfortunately deficiencies in training and experience lead to real life tragedies including the Colgan plane crash in Buffalo in February 2008 that took 50 lives. 

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People Injured Retaining Our Personal Injury Lawyers

The Connecticut personal injury lawyers at Sabatini and Associates are honored to announce that over the past month people injured in the State of Connecticut have retained our law firm to represent them in their personal injury lawsuits.  Our new personal injury clients include: a woman injured at Bradley International Airport, a woman victimized by a drunk driver, a teenager struck by a car while walking in a cross-walk, a woman suffering from nerve damage as a result of dental malpractice, a man injured in a rear end car collision, a man injured in a car collision caused by a drunk driver, a man and woman injured in a t-bone car collision, and others.

If you or a loved one have suffered injuries as a result of negligence, feel free to contact our attorneys today. There is no cost or fee unless the firm’s is successful in reocevring compensation in your case.

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