In Washington D.C., a 39 year old man while at his home is suffering from shortness of breath and chest pains. His family per his instructions call for an ambulance. The EMS crew arrives and concludes that he has acid reflux and recommends that he take pepto bismol. Hours later, the man is found dead in his home from a heart attack. View the video of this tragic story and the obvious medical malpractice.
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Hospital Acquired Infections
Hospital acquired MRSA (methicillin-resistant staph infection) infects about 880,000 patients a year and accounts for about 8% of all hospital infections. Hospital infections caused by all kinds of bacteria infects millions of patients per year. Nearly all of these infections are now preventable. They are preventable when doctors and the hospital staff clean their hands, rigorously practice proper hygiene and implement other preventive measures. For example, central line bloodstream infections should no longer occur. These infections take place when a device is inserted into the patient such as a tube in a vein. If the person inserting the tube has not properly washed his hands or the insertion site has not been properly cleaned, bacteria can enter the bloodstream.
Certain hospitals have taken the necessary steps to sharply reduce infection rates. However, a recent survey performed by Leapfrog (a patient-safety organization) found that 87% of hospitals fail to consistently practice infection prevention measures. This is unacceptable and Medicare agrees. Starting in October 2008, Medicare will stop reimbursing hospitals for treatment of certain device related bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections and surgical infections. Why? because Medicare has determined, and correctly so, that these infections should not bee happening and when they do happen, it is the result of the negligence on the part of the hospital.
Read MoreMotions to Dismiss In CT Malpractice Cases – A Disturbing Trend
We have been seeing and experiencing in our own medical and dental malpractice cases a disturbing trend. Defendants are filing Motions to Dismiss malpractice lawsuits on the ground that the written opinion attached to the lawsuit does not comply with General Statutes Section 52-190a. The statute requires that a plaintiff in filing a medical or dental malpractice lawsuit must attach to the lawsuit a copy of a written opinion authored by a similar health care provider stating that malpractice occured and as a result of the malpractice the plaintiff suffered injuries. The identifying information of the author of the report is redcated when attached to the lawsuit.
Nothwithstanding the fact that Section 52-190a does not require that the author of the written opinion broadcast that he or she is a similar health care provider, defendants are routinely injecting such a requirement into the statue and using it as the basis for a Motion to Dismiss. The case law is virtually unanimous in holding that the statute has no such requirement, thus the lawsuit cannot be dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.
In one of our pending dental malpractice cases, the Court just rejected defendant’s argument that the written opinion was defective due to the fact that it did not state that the author of the opinion was a similar health care provider. The motion to dismiss was denied.
Read MoreDental Malpractice
Virtually everyone has heard of medical malpractice, but not many people are aware that dental malpractice can also occur and can be just as serious. Dentists can get malpractice insurance just as doctors can, although they can usually only get it through insurers who also write medical malpractice policies. Almost all dentists carry this insurance, and if you are a dentist’s patient and think that the dentist may have committed dental malpractice on you, please contact us to seek the advice of a dental malpractice lawyer.
Read MoreHospital Malpractice – Failure to Rescue
During a two year period from 2004 to 2006 it was reported that over 188,000 lives were lost due to what is called a “failure to rescue”. A failure to rescue occurs when a patient dies in a hospital from preventable complications due to hospital caregivers failing to recognize the patient is dying. For the fifth straight year, an analysis of errors in the nation’s hospitals found that the most reported patient safety risk is a little-known but always-fatal problem called failure to rescue. One measure that has been implemented by some hospitals to combat this problem is “Condition H”. Patients are allowed, even encouraged, to speak up by activating Condition H, a code that summons immediate help. Patients call the same emergency number that doctors and nurses use.
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